Biology SL Flashcard Database

Studying Biology SL involves a lot of theory, and it can sometimes be hard to memorize. This is why a student from the class of 2019 wrote sets of flashcards for most Biology SL key topics and terms – feel free to use them as a resource for your studying, whether that might be for a test, a revision or your real IB exams. Please remember that knowing the terminology by heart is not the equivalent to understanding, which is required for the IB exams. Knowing the terms is simply a good base to build your understanding on.

Quizlet Flashcards

ordered by chapter and topic

1 – Cell Biology  (full folder)


2 – Molecular Biology (full folder)


3 – Genetics (full folder)


4 – Ecology (full folder)


5 – Evolution and Biodiversity


6 – Human Physiology (full folder)


Option D – Human Physiology (full folder)


If you happen to make/have flashcards for any of the missing topics that you want to share, or if you notice any mistakes, don’t hesitate to contact us via e-mail:

Good luck with studying!